I am Blessing You To Be Rich in Glory, Take it Now

Everyone want to be rich but have you sat down and study the spirit behind money? Oh or do you think that money is an ordinary paper?

Money is a spirit, money has legs, it has mouth, it has ears and it has eyes. Money doesn't go to where its wanted if not everyone was going to be rich by now rather money goes to where its forced to go

I remember few months ago a young man that came to me crying saying major 1, I have done everything possible to become rich but I still find myself poor.

I know many people reading this post that are saying the same thing, Major 1, I have done everything possible to become rich but am still poor, well if you are the one, continue reading.

I prayed for the boy and used part of the monies that I vomited while performing miracle money to bath him.

That same day, on his way home, he bought a lotto ticket and played it, days later he won R5.000.000 Rands from lotto and instantly his dream of becoming a millionaire became a reality.

What really happened? he was destined to be a millionaire but the spirit in him was chasing money away until he met me.

Similar thing happened last Sunday when I met one of these men on the floor, I prayed for a 100 Rand note and gave to him, he out rightly rejected the money, the demon in him refused the money and became so violent.

Physically he wanted the money but there was a spirit in him that was not in agreement with the spirit of money, if not delivered, he would die poor because he could be working to get money while the demon in him would be pushing money away.

If the spirit in you is not in agreement with the spirit of money, money will enter your hand or account but flies away immediately.

Millions of people working today, do get salaries or receives money but fail to account the money they received. Give me only but 2 minutes and see what will happen to you.
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